To be perfectly honest, the movie was not half bad. I believe that critics who gave this movie such shit reviews were people who were not fans of the show. I have to admit that the bad reviews did keep me away from seeing the movie on opening night (Wednesday May 27, 2010), but it did not stop me from seeing it that Friday. I was pleased. Nothing that was too over the top. The progress of the women went exactly how I believed it was going to go. I knew Aidan would make a comeback and shake up Carrie's "perfect" world, and I also knew that Charlotte would find out that motherhood was not everything she believed it was going to be. Needless to say, I was pleased. I didn't leave the movie theater disappointed.
With that being said, I feel that I have to say something about the hot piece of fun that sat in front of me. Let's just say, homegirl was lit and ready to go when the movie started. Liza's opening number with her ghastly rendition of Youdontsay’s Single Ladies was not as bad with the woman in front of me singing every fucking word as loud as she could without complaint. Then came the moment when Carrie kissed Aidan. The woman in front of me gasped really loud, clapped her hands, and yelled out, "Stupid!" Right as I thought she was finished with her shenanigans, the woman slapped her husband’s leg so loud that it sounded like an audience clap. I loved it. I made it a point to tell this woman that I loved her more than the movie. And it is my belief that if it had not been for her then maybe the movie would have been good but not as good without the drunken lady in front of me. So thank you lady who had too many cosmos, for making my movie going experience a memorable one.