Monday, June 7, 2010

If I don't get the f*ck out of Chicago! RANT

I love my hometown, but being here is seriously driving me crazy. I don't know if any of the Loyal Legion has noticed but Chicago has become increasingly violent over the past 10 years. I moved away from Chicago believing that I was much better than the city and its cohabitants, but after almost two years in LA I realized that I wasn't. I moved back home with hardly a dollar in my pocket and focused on school and work. After a semester at school, I wanted to hang myself. I encountered a professor that was by far the world's worst, and experienced peers that were so closed minded that it makes me fear for my unborn children.

I recently landed a job at a famous department store, and for the most part that experience has been alright. I haven't encountered anyone that would make me want to force feed them common sense via fists, but I am still two months into learning about my co-workers. So far let's just say I like them all, even though one of them is dangerously close to the edge of pissing me off.

So what is the problem? Lack of freedom. When I was a little girl, I thought by the age of 22 I would have been a college grad, with a boyfriend, and my own little love shack...that ain't happening right now. I did have my own place for a while, but moved out when money was tight. Now here I am back in Chicago sharing a house and living in the oddest shaped room in town. I'm happy since there is a roof over my head, but like I said...this is not where I thought I would be. So I want to leave. And I mean seriously leave. I want to pack my bags and just travel the world. I want to be in Paris one day and Sydney the next. Oh Calgon Calgon take me away!

I can't deny that I haven't had fun in Chicago. I love Chicago, like I said it's my can I not. But I just know now that Chicago isn't the place for me. Mission get my ass back to LA is in full effect! Day 1.