Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mission: New Years 2010 Plans!

None at the moment, but I can tell you that I would like to be completely and undeniably happy.

In the past years, I have done nothing, cried, crashed my car into a pile of snow, and done nothing all over again. I really would like to have fun. However, fun for me is not showing up to a club with a bunch of other randomly drunk people, but spending it with a bunch of friends with a nice bottle of champagne. 

At the moment the group of friends I have is about 4 deep. I don't mind that (especially since I don't like a lot of people), but they all have other plans that involve that someone special. I refuse to be the single person AGAIN! 

For some reason, whenever New Years comes around I'm always the single friend. Gross! I don't want to do that again. Hell I'm almost 30 (I'm 23) and I think I'm getting a little bit to old for that shit. 

So my mission for New Years is to get that cutie Howard to be my New Years date! If his lips aren't touching mine at the end of 2010 then I just know the following year is going to be shit.

So far, things have gone smooth. Yesterday we ate lunch together, we learned about each other, exchanged phone numbers, and I woke up (from a long and crazy night) with a text from him. 

He's a sweet guy really. I feel completely comfortable around him. And he makes me laugh. 


I have 16 days to make it happen. Time to do work!